Stowarzyszenie Kreatywni dla biznesu
Sprawdź nasze projekty
eco smart

GŁÓWNYM CELEM projektu jest opracowanie innowacyjnych metod i materiałów do pracy z młodzieżą w zakresie edukacji ekologicznej. Konieczność wykorzystania nowych narzędzi, w tym rozwiązań multimedialnych dla edukacji pozaformalnej, przez osoby pracujące z młodzieżą determinują czynniki związane z oczekiwaniami młodzieży. Stanowi to wyzwanie dla edukatorów, którzy często mogą mieć kłopot z dostosowaniem treści i formy do potrzeb i możliwości młodzieży. Dlatego niezbędne jest bezpośredni wsparcie edukatorów w formie nowych scenariuszy, narzędzi pracy z młodzieżą. W celu zachęcenia młodych ludzi do DBANIA O ŚRODOWISKO, W KTÓRYM FUNKCJONUJĄ.
Założenia projektu są odpowiedzią na realne potrzeby zidentyfikowane przez wszystkich partnerów (badanie IV.2021, grupa 80 edukatorów) – określono najważniejsze problemy w Polsce, Irlandii i na Litwie. Okazało się, że w dużej mierze się one pokrywają. Lider poprzez swoją działalność i kontakty z organizacjami młodzieżowymi posiada wiedzę dot. potrzeby stworzenia materiałów, poradników, gier w zakresie edukacji ekologicznej w pracy z młodzieżą.
Cele szczegółowe:
– zwiększenie wiedzy i kompetencji dot. zrównoważonego rozwoju wśród nauczycieli, osób zajmujących się młodzieżą oraz młodzieży,
– rozwój edukacji pozaformalnej związanej ze zrównoważonym rozwojem.
Zgłaszane potrzeby dot. materiałów pracy z młodzieżą implikowały do stworzenia otwartej BIBLIOTEKI MATERIAŁÓW, SCENARIUSZY, GIER, które wzmocnią wiedzę dot. ekologii w krajach partnerskich oraz Europie. Tematy ekologiczne są kierowane do dzieci, młodzieży, osób pracujących z młodzieżą, którzy stanowią grupę odbiorców projektu. Na bazie wiedzy w COP24 (konkurs dla szkół podstawowych na opracowanie programu edukacji ekologicznej), zdefiniowano najważniejsze obszary: GOZ (gospodarka obiegiem zamkniętym, w tym marnotrawstwo żywności), segregacja śmieci, zmiany klimatu oraz bioróżnorodność.
Partnerzy: Polska, Litwa, Irlandia
Numer referencyjny: KA220-TY-424873C8
Sektor: Edukacja młodzieży
Działanie 2. Partnerstwa współpracy młodzieży
Projekt nr : 2021-1-PL01-KA220-ADU-000035239
Partners: Poland, Lithuania, Ireland
Reference number: KA220-YOU-424873C8
Sector : Youth Education
Action 2.Cooperation partnerships in youth
Project Nr : 2021-1-PL01-KA220-ADU-000035239
About the project
We are pleased to announce that our association “CREATIVE FOR BUSINESS” has started a project with the Project Leader Projekt Tarnów Poland, project Partner VsI “uMunthu” Lithuania, EDU SMART Ireland funded by the European Union.
Rapid changes taking place in the natural environment and climate will require young people to take specific proecological actions. The adopted Lisbon Strategy is based on several pillars, including the ecological one. It gives the EU the task of decisively strengthening the promotion of ecological innovations [Grosse T.G., Facing the challenge. The Lisbon strategy for growth and employment]. Development of ecological innovations in the future will be possible only on the assumption of increasing expenditure on ecological education of young people. At the same time, it is necessary to promote committed, active and pro-social attitudes among young people. Only with the assumption of strengthening the sense of agency and responsibility, it will be possible to increase the involvement of young people in pro ecological activities, while reducing the percentage of passive and indifferent attitudes.
The largest group of the most educationally active in Europe and in the world are youth and young adults. People in their twenties, after completing the traditional education path, drastically reduce their educational commitment to a degree that is unique in Europe and in the world. Thus, non-formal education should be empowering in young people, but also when entering the labor market through various forms of education.
To promote lifelong learning in young people not only in courses and training but also in an open professional and social environment. For this reason, educational support in the project is planned to cover young people, and youth educators will be provided with the necessary materials for conducting forms of non-formal education. Working with young people requires the continuous development of competences in the field of conducting educational activities and expanding the possessed knowledge. Educators do not have the appropriate materials, a tool to conduct non-formal education of young people in the field of ecology, hence the implementation of the project that will provide the necessary work tools. An important assumption of the project is reciprocity of benefits, including mutual learning in partnership. All partner organizations are involved in environmental education and work for similar target groups.
The project could not be implemented without the assumption of transnational cooperation, also the assumptions of the presented project were prepared jointly. A process for exchanging experiences has been planned
In addition to the direct effects related to the acquisition of knowledge and improvement of skills, as well as the development of people working with young people in the field of: pro-ecological solutions, CSR. The awareness of youth in the areas will also be strengthened. Their knowledge will be able to be translated both in their personal life and, ultimately, in professional activities.
The developed results will constitute a compendium of knowledge and good practices for non-formal education of young people in the areas of ecology and CSR.
The project is a continuation of joint activities undertaken by partners. Strengthening the partnership relationship will allow the implementation of further joint initiatives in the future. It will be fostered by establishing personal relations of experts from all partner organizations.
The MAIN OBJECTIVE of the project is guidance on methods and materials for youth work in the field of environmental education. The necessity to use new tools, including multimedia for non-formal education, by youth workers is determined by the data related to the expectations of young people. This is a challenge for educators, who may often find it difficult to adapt the content and form to the needs and possibilities of young people. Therefore, direct support of early educators in the form of new scenarios and tools for working with young people is essential. In order for young people to CARE FOR
THE ENVIRONMENT IN WHICH THEY WORK. The assumptions of the project are a response to the real identified by all partners (research IV.2021, group of 80 educators) – problems in Poland, Ireland and Lithuania were identified. It turned out that they coincide on the way up. Through his activities and contacts with youth organizations, the leader has knowledge about the need to create materials, guides and games in the field of environmental education in work with youth.
Detailed objectives:
Reported needs regarding materials for work with young people implied the creation of an open LIBRARY OF MATERIALS, SCENARIOS, GAMES, which will strengthen knowledge about ecology in partner countries and Europe. Ecological topics are directed to children, youth, people with young people, and one of the project’s contractors.
Based on the knowledge in COP24 (competition for schools to develop an educational program), the main areas were identified: circular economy (circular economy, including food waste), waste segregation, climate change and biodiversity.